February Resolution: Write Something Every Day.
Purpose of the challenge: To get me back to writing.
The pieces will be unedited and will be uploaded as they're written. I'm turning my inner critic off for this one :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013


This blog's main purpose it to get me back onto the saddle, so to speak, about writing. 

It's been a long time since I've seriously written. 
Before I started reading again, writing consumed all my time. I wrote three novels I finished (none I thought good enough to publish, though), started two others that crossed the 200 mark before I lost my interest, started countless more, and wrote gazillion possible synopsis. 
And I read about 20 books the entire time period.

Now, I've read 151 books in 2012. And wrote about... one story.

I have to write again. Because I desperately want to. Nothing I start sounds good, though, so I decided on a system. Which is where this blog comes in.

How it's going to work
Every month, I decide on a writing challenge. Something among the lines of; Write something every day (no matter how small or stupid), Write ten chapters this month, etc, etc. 
I'll upload every time I do something according to that month's resolution.

For each resolution I successfully complete, there will be a BOOK GIVEAWAY
Some of them are going to be for specific books. Some are going to be up to you. 
And for each insightful comment you give on a piece of mine, you get 5 more entries. Sometimes, if I get enough comments I might open a giveaway even though I didn't complete my mission.

So, it's worth it staying with me on this blog and helping me overcome my long lasting Writer's Block, don't you think?


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